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Lord God,elects (chooses) ‘His people’ for Salvation in
Eternity, before we are ever born into this world; He quickens us, makes
us Spiritually alive, by His Word and His gift of saving faith in
Christ; He convinces us of our sin, Christ’s righteousness, and the
judgement to come by His Spirit; grants us His gift of true repentance
and saves our never-dying souls. Then, sanctified by the precious Blood
of Christ the Lamb, and His one-time Sacrifice for our sins; He
justifies us by Christ’s resurrection, and then, and only then, does He
see fit to dwell within us as our Lord and our Saviour God. Wow! 主神耶和华拣选(选择)他的百姓成为在永恒里的拯救。在我们出生在这个世界以前,他已经使我们复活,并在灵里活过来。用他的话和在基督里得救的信心,使我们为罪,为基督的义和将来他的灵的审判,自己责备自己;赐给我们真正悔改这样的礼物,并且拯救我们不死的灵魂;用基督的宝血,就是羔羊的血使我们成圣;并且他为我们的罪完全地献上,他用基督的复活使我们称义,就在那时,也只有在那时,他才看为合适的住在我们中间并成为我们的主和我们的救主神。哇! Surely
these miracles of regeneration blessing are something to both magnify
the Lord and exalt His Holy Name about together? Let me hear it?
Hallelujah! 这些重生神迹的祝福毫无疑问地会使我们称主为大,并高举他的圣名。让我听一听,哈利路亚! Verse
4. “I sought the Lord, and He heard me. God expects to hear from you
before you can expect to hear from Him. If you restrain prayer, it is
no wonder the mercy promised is restrained. Meditation is like the
lawyer’s studying the case in order to do his pleading at the bar; when,
therefore, thou hast viewed the promise and affected thy heart with the
riches of it, then fly thee to the throne of grace and spread it before
the Lord.” (William Gurnall 1617-1679) 第4节,“我寻求神,神就听我, 神在你期待听到他的话之前就期待着听你向他说话了。如果你限制了你的祷告,那么就难怪所应许的怜悯也受限制了。默想就像是律师为了在法庭上做好诉讼而研究案件一样,所以当你认识到应许的丰盛,并且心有所感的时候。就赶快飞奔到施恩宝座前并向神陈明一切吧。” (William Gurnall 1617-1679)
From restlessness, and impatience, and doubts, and selfishness--good Lord, deliver
me! 良善的主——求你将我从不安。烦躁和疑惑以及自私中拯救出来! "Loving
Father, show me the mercy of afflictions. Cleanse me from earthly and
sensual desires--and strengthen me with trust and heavenly rest.
Graciously accept my prayers, O heavenly Father, and help me with true
thankfulness to praise You. For Your dear Son Jesus Christ's sake.
Amen." |
“慈爱的天父,让我看到苦难中的怜悯。洁净我脱离世俗的和色情的欲望——并且以信靠和属天的安息坚固我。满有恩典的接受我的祷告,哦,天父啊,帮助我用诚实的感谢来赞美你。为了你爱子耶稣基督的名。 阿们。
Jesus lebt